Roast Goose
Roast goose
- Wash, thoroughly dry and season the goose with salt from the outside and from the inside and sprinkle with cumin seeds.
- Place the goose with its breast (chest) down onto a roasting pan, and pour some water (about 3 dcl) around it.
- Bake the goose in an electric oven at 200° C, in a hot air oven at 180° C and in a gas oven at gas mark 4, for an hour per each kilo and keep basting the goose with the juices collected. (A 3 kg goose roasts for 3 hours).
- As you laid the goose breast down, in the middle of the roasting, turn the goose breast up and continue basting the goose with the juices collected, thus achieving an even browning and the breasts are not dried.
- After roasting, allow about 15 minutes to rest, cut into pieces and serve.
Braised cabbage
- Sprinkle the cleaned and grated cabbage with salt. Put in a pot with the lard and cumin, fry it, add granulated sugar, leave to caramelize.
- Finely chop the peeled onion, add it to the caramel, stir it, immediately add the lard and stir it well again.
- Place the cabbage, bay leaf, and vinegar, braise together for 40-50 minutes, until the cabbage is soft.
- Finally, season it.
Potato pancakes
- Push the unpeeled boiled potatoes through a sieve, add salt, 2 eggs, fine flour and mix.
- Knead the dough, from which you make a roll, cut it into pieces and with the rolling pin roll the potato pancakes to a thickness of about 2 mm and the size of the pan in which you are going to cook them.
- Cook in a dry pan (such as for crepes), wipe each pancake after cooking with a kitchen towel to wipe out any remaining flour.
- Put them on a plate covered with a clean cloth towel, brush each pancake with the fat/lard on the top, its bottom is brushed by itself from the previous pancake and serve.
Source: Slovak Tourist Board
Roast Goose with Stewed Cabbage and Potato Pancakes
©Slovak Tourist Board
Blueberry pie
Blueberry pie recipe from the European Young Chef Award 2017 was created by Josi Polso, representing Kuopio – European Region of Gastronomy candidate 2020
Polish Wild Boar Roast
Poish forests have an abundance of wilde game and it is no wonder that traditional Polish cuisine has been so rich in game for centuries.
Stoemp is a typical and simple Brussels dish, which you have to try when spending time in the Flemish capital. It consists of pureed potatoes one or several mashed vegetables, sometimes also with bacon. These vegetable pairings traditionally include endive, kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, turnip greens, carrot or onion. Stoemp is usually served with sausage or stewed meat.
Boiled Veal
There is practically no more delicious proof of how firmly the Austrian cuisine is rooted in the heart of Europe than one of the most typical of Viennese dishes: boiled veal, or Tafelspitz. Good-quality beef, a few vegetables, aromatic spices and plenty of water to cook in – these are the vital ingredients. The same ingredients, though, also come together when the French are creating their “pot-au-feu”, or the Italians their “bollito misto”. In the case of the latter, veal and chicken meat or tongue might be added, but then some small differences should remain despite us all being good Europeans together.
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Roast goose
- 1 goose, about 3kg, salt, cumin, 300 ml of water
Stewed cabbage
- 1 medium-large head of cabbage, 1 large onion, granulated sugar 5 - 6 spoons, 2 - 3 spoons of fat, 200 ml of white wine, 1 teaspoon of cumin, vinegar, bay leaf, salt, water
Potato pancakes
- 3 kg potatoes, 2 eggs, 150g plain flour, 30g salt