See Ingredients

Chicory Ham Rolls


  1. Boil the heads of chicory in lightly salted water
  2. When they are read, allow to drain
  3. Make a cheese sauce of butter, milk and grated cheese
  4. Roll the chicory in slices of ham and arrange them in an oven-proof dish
  5. Cover with the cheese sauce and sprinkle over some extra grated cheese
  6. Bake in a hot oven
  7. Serve with mashed potatoes.

Ghent Waterzooi

Waterzooi is a classic stew of Flanders. Its name is Dutch, ‘zooien’ meaning ‘to boil’. It is sometimes called Gentse Waterzooi (in Dutch) which refers to the city of Ghent. The original recipe is made of fish, either freshwater or sea, though today chicken waterzooi is more common. The most accepted theory is that rivers of Ghent became too polluted and the fish disappeared. The stew is made of the fish or chicken, vegetables including carrots, leeks and potatoes, herbs, eggs, cream and butter and usually serbed as a soup with a baquette to sop up the liquid.


  • 2

Prep time

  • 10 minutes

Cook time

  • 25 minutes


  • 4 heads of Brussels chicory
  • 4 slices of boiled ham
  • 1/4 of cheese sauce
  • grated cheese

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