See Ingredients

Potato Dumplings with Sheep Cheese

  1. Peel the potatoes and finely grate them.
  2. Mix the flour and salt into the potatoes. In the event the potatoes are too dry, add a little water.
  3. Mix the dough well, it should be fairly thick, but so as it can be pushed through a sieve.
  4. Then push the halušky through the sieve with bigger holes into boiling salted water.
  5. Stir the halušky occasionally throughout the cooking. When they float to the surface of the water, let them boil for another 2-3 minutes. In the meantime, fry the finely chopped bacon.
  6. Take out the halušky with a sieve and allow them to drain and then hot, without washing them, put them into a bowl, where you have previously mixed the sheep cheese with the oil left after frying the bacon.
  7. Mix well, if it is too thick, add 2-3 tablespoons of water, in which the halušky were boiled. Sprinkle with bacon and pour over a little of the bacon oil left after frying.

Mussels and Fries

Mussels and ‘frites’ is a classic dish, famous throughout the world, and there’s nowhere better to experience it than in one of the many fishing villages and towns along the Flemish coast, where the Belgica mussels are brought to land. The clear waters of the North Sea give these mussels their unique flavour; they are fleshy and their shells are lighter than other mussels. An absolute classic available at every Flemish restaurant in the mussel season (from July until Autumn).


Soup with Semolina Dumplings

Something which is not yet entirely proven for serious students of linguistics, but is readily apparent to Italophile Austrian gastronomes: the similarity, which is not just a linguistic one, between Austrian dumplings (“Nockerln”) and Italian gnocchi (pronounced: gnoki). In both countries, these small doughy treats are readily given a spicy twist. You would look for these semolina dumplings, the “Grieß-Gnocchi”, in the soup-bowls on the far side of the Brenner Pass, whereas in the world of Austrian soups you will come across them fairly frequently.


  • 700g potatoes
  • 500g plain flour
  • 50g smoked bacon
  • 120g sheep cheese (bryndza)
  • salt

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