Emily Titus

Calling everyone in our #NaturallyCurious travel community! Emily Titus has revealed gorgeous hidden spots in Europe's outdoors, so follow her now for inside access!

The beauty of Cyprus’s flamingos 

One of the most memorable events of my life was seeing thousands of flamingos resting in Cyprus’s Larnaca Salt Lake. Watching these gorgeous pink birds, often standing on just one of their stick legs, made me feel a sort of peace about the world and appreciation of nature that I always seek while travelling. Want to experience these flamingos too? Make sure to visit during the right season, which is November – March.

In addition to the marvelous nature, there’s another reason why I love the Larnaca Salt Lake. One of the most beautiful mosques I’ve ever seen sits on its banks. To me, the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque is special because of the way it blends into and respects the natural world around it. Buildings can often blight a stunning landscape, but that’s far from the case of this mosque. It almost integrates with the trees and water around it, honoring the wildlife in a way I wish other buildings would do.

Of course, I must mention the wonderful Cypriot food you’ll find in Old Larnaca, which is nearby. I suggest tasting souvlakia and sheftalia!

For more information about Cyprus and an in-depth look into all the experiences you can also live there, check out below my interview with local tourist guide Katie Economidou!

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