Shopping off the Beaten Track
There’s more to shopping in Europe than the designer brands on Champs-Élysées.
How architecture and contrasts changed Europe’s cities.
Surrounded by the green mountains of Rila, Bulgaria, a colourful monastery blends seamlessly with the landscape. Its Balkan architectural style will certainly catch your eye, but it is in the story behind its foundation that you will find clues to Bulgaria’s gripping past. Located on the highest Balkan Peninsula Mountain, the Rila monastery was founded in the 10th century (between 927-968) by St John of Rila, an Orthodox hermit, who chose to live in isolated caves.
There was a time when Slovakia had more than 300 wooden churches. Built in harmony with nature, all parts of the church had to be made of wood using exquisite joinery skills. Indeed, nails had to remain unused inside the master craftsmen’s toolboxes. Behind this story, lies a search for beautiful simplicity. Around 50 of these wooden churches remain, mainly in the Carpathian Mountains region. These sacred places offer a glimpse into original architectural methods and cultural influences.
On a visit to Den Bosch, you’ll be greeted by a little angel statue, wearing jeans, with a laptop bag over the shoulder and a mobile phone in hand. There is only one button on the angel’s mobile phone and, according to the artist, it is used as ‘a direct line to heaven’.Visiting the Cathedral may take you back through the ages to ancient times, but do not assume the journey is always about the past. Damaged by many fires, the Cathedral has been renovated several times.
This is the first gothic cathedral built in red brick between the 12th & 13th centuries in Roskilde, and became the main burial site for Danish monarchs. Around 3 million bricks were needed to build the impressive structure that visitors can see here today. Inside, you will find several burial chambers and chapels that have been added throughout the years, with hundreds of flagstones lining the cathedral floor marking the identities of its occupants.
In 1939, a military conflict between Finland and Russia forced around 190 monks living in the Valamo monastery, Lake Ladoga, Russian Federation, to be evacuated as forces advanced. Soldiers appropriated the building and the monks soon found a new home: Heinävesi in Eastern Finland. They settled down in the current location in 1940, creating the New Valamo Monastery, which became an active centre of Orthodox religious life and culture.
Climbing a mountain can be an act of faith. Leaving everything behind, aiming only for the top. Visitors wishing to get away from the crowds and embrace a moment of solitude might consider heading for Croagh Patrick, Ireland. Located in County Mayo, in the west of the country, Croagh Patrick is considered one of the holiest mountains in Ireland, with its pilgrimage tradition stretching back over 5 000 years to the Stone Age.
Lourdes, in south-western France, will always be remembered as the place where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernardette Soubirou, a 14-year-old girl in 1858. . This was the first of eighteen apparitions that would later turn Lourdes into the most well-known pilgrimage destination in France. At the time, scepticism about Bernadette’s visions was evident, but she would eventually be beatified by the Catholic Church in 1927.
The Aglona basilica was assembled by Dominican monks between 1768 and 1780. In the middle of a warm European summer, visitors can always get away from the big cities and experience faith, tales and legends in Aglona.
There’s more to shopping in Europe than the designer brands on Champs-Élysées.
Explore some of the grandest of Europe’s palaces in this breathtaking photo gallery.
No trip to Europe is complete without dining on the best local flavors. And some of Europe’s best dishes can be found in coastal countries. From classic pasta recipes in Italy to fresh seafood in Norway, you’re sure to find something to satisfy your palate. Browse this gallery of some of Europe’s best seaside dining before you decide where to go for dinner during your trip.
Arriving in one of our historic thermal towns, maybe by train, to immerse yourself in the spa culture of Europe is the perfect way to start your “thermal travels” habit. Whether you seek relaxation and wellness or some world-class cultural or sporting events, you will not be disappointed!
Mystery abounds in every European country. You just have to know where to look. Welcome to the spooky side of Europe, home of ghastly ghosts, haunted happenings and eerie experiences for only the most adventurous of souls. Turn off the lights, get under your covers and dare to get familiar with some of the creepiest, scariest and most mysterious places in Europe.
This route through the rural areas of Asturias allows us to get to know the traditional ways of producing of such emblematic products as the local legume know as “faba de la granja” (farm bean), pan de escanda (bread made by traditional methods from spelt flour) or the famous embutido, the smoked preserved meats.
Germany’s endless array of castles and palaces.
Every August, the Mainz Wine Market in the Romantic City Park brings together regional wine enthusiasts for a vibrant gathering.
Discover the beauty of the shoulder seasons.
Scenic journeys and stunning panoramas.
Wellness, relaxation, and skiing!