
Girella Fair

Girella Fair is celebrated on the third or fourth Sunday of October each year and offers an opportunity for visitors to get to know the traditions and culture of the region. The fair shows how life in the mountains was in the past, focusing on old crafts linked to rural lifestyle and livestock. There are five thematic areas at the fair: the “girella”, the most important product of the fair; the Brotherhood of San Sebastian; the old crafts, representative of life in mountains in the past; local trade and finally, livestock and an exhibition area, related to the history of Pont de Suert.

“Girella” is a sausage made of rice and lamb, which dates back to the 15th century and is typical for the Pyrenees region, not only in Lleida, but also in the Aragon region. One of the activities the fair includes is a demonstration of the process of elaboration of this product and after that, free tasting is provided. Moreover, there is another interesting activity: the nomination of the “Mayor” of the Pyrenees, which in the past was the pastor in charge of guarding the cattle, especially bulls and horses. This honorary title goes every year to a popular person who symbolically cares about the maintenance of the rural lifestyle.

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