See Ingredients

Almond Gugelhupf

  1. Brush Gugelhupf mould with melted butter and preheat oven to 180 °C (fan).
  2. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with icing sugar to a cream. Flavour with a shot of nut liqueur or rum and vanilla sugar.
  3. Rub the toast between your fingers to create very fine breadcrumbs. Mix well with the flour and the grated almonds. Stir into the egg yolk mix and mix together thoroughly.
  4. Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar to a stiff peak. Carefully fold the beaten egg white into the mix. Pour the mix into the prepared mould. Bake for around 45 – 50 minutes.
  5. Remove the Gugelhupf, allow to cool slightly, then tip out. Gently heat the apricot jam and coat the Gugelhupf (using a brush).
  6. Roast almond flakes in a coated pan without fat until light brown and spread over the Gugelhupf.

Source: Austrian National Tourist Office.


Apple Strudel

Strudel, štrudl, štrudla and štrukli – these are the names given by our neighbors in Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to this sweet dream of light pastry and its juicy filling. But in English, the only word which has made it into common use is the German “Strudel”. That is a powerful signal of just how famous the Viennese Apfelstrudel has now become internationally. But it’s all too easily forgotten that this fine pastry once traveled an extensive route from Arabia via the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, before becoming resident in Vienna. However, the long journey was worth it!


  • 6 eggs
  • 125 g icing sugar
  • 125 g granulated sugar
  • 1 slice of toasted white bread (or 70 g of freshly grated white breadcrumbs)
  • 250 g grated almonds
  • 1 tbsp. plain flour
  • 1 packet (8 g) vanilla sugar
  • Melted butter for the mould
  • Apricot jam for coating
  • Almond flakes for decoration

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