See Ingredients


  1. Boil the carrots, potatoes and onion together in a saucepan
  2. Drain and mash
  3. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg
  4. Finish by adding a little milk and possibly a few knobs of butter
  5. Fry the sausage and serve it with the stoemp.

Trout Fillet with Forest Mushrooms

The lake trout “swims across” national borders and makes itself at home in deep, oxygen-rich lakes: in northern Russia, in Scandinavia, in the Baltic states, in Iceland. And of course, in Austria’s lakes. The sea trout is truly a globetrotter. In past times, it was the main fish to be found in Austrian lakes such as the Weissensee or the Millstätter See. And it is a great favourite with Austrian chefs and gastronomes. There’s very good reason for which the sea trout is the “Austrian Fish of the Year 2013”.


Linz Tart

Anyone engaging in a serious search for the true origin of the Linzer Torte soon finds him or herself travelling between Egypt, Verona and Milwaukee in the American state of Wisconsin. The oldest recorded tart recipe in the world which was written down by a countess in Verona is to be found today in the monastery library in Admont and even became popular in America during the mid-19th century. A cake-maker who moved to Linz in 1822 used the recipe to create the “Linzer Masse”, which was the basis for the grandiose Linz tart. Today it is the culinary emblem of the capital city of Upper Austria.


  • 4

Prep time

  • 5 minutes

Cook time

  • 30 minutes
  • 500 g/17,6 oz carrots
  • 500 g/17,6 oz potatoes
  • 1 coarsely chopped onion
  • sausage
  • salt and pepper
  • nutmeg
  • milk

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