See Ingredients

Sheep Cheese Soup

  1. Cut the onion into cubes, roast it with lard until golden.
  2. Add cumin, ground red pepper, sheep cheese and potatoes cut into cubes.
  3. Stir and pour it over with 1l of hot water. Cook until the potatoes become tender.
  4. Savour with salt and ground pepper. Stir the soup until smooth, you may also add cream and sprinkle with chives.
  5. Serve with gnocchi or bread cut into cubes and baked with lard.


Source: Slovak Tourist Board




Speculoos is a type of shortcrust biscuit, traditionally baked for consumption on or just before St Nicholas’ feast (December 6th) in the Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern France. In recent decades it has become available all year round. Speculoos are thin, very crunchy, slightly browned and, most significantly, have some image or figure (often from the traditional stories about St. Nicholas) stamped on the front side before baking; the back is flat. The Lotus brand is one of the most popular. You can also find them covered in chocolate…a real Belgian treat!


Styrian Fried Chicken Salad

The reason why Styrian fried chicken in particular is so famous has a lot to do with the “Sulmtal Geflügel” (“Sulmtal poultry”), which is now undergoing something of a revival. Since the 17th century, this name has been given to the particularly fleshy capons and poulards which proved highly popular amongst the nobility of Europe. During the Habsburg Monarchy, this delicious poultry was even supplied to markets on the far side of the Alps, as far away as Trieste and Marburg.


  • 250 g of sheep cheese
  • 1 pc of onion
  • 50 g of lard
  • 4 pcs of potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon of ground red pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of cumin
  • Black pepper – ground
  • Sour cream, fresh chives

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