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Roasted Hen Turkey

  1. Flame the hen turkey, wash it and put a sprig of sage and salt inside it.
  2. Cover it with slices of lard, then put it into a baking tin with a bit of butter and extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Put it in the oven (medium heat) and halfway through cooking, moisten it with pomegranate sauce.
  4. Fry lightly the chopped onions in a pan with a bit of extra virgin olive oil, then add the chopped and moistened hen turkey’s bladders with the sauce of another pomegranate.
  5. When the paeta is ready, serve it cut in pieces and moistened with pomegranate sauce and seeds.


Source: Archivio Consorzio Vicenzaè


  • 1 hen turkey (2,5 kg)
  • 20 g of sage
  • 100 g of lard
  • 3 pomegranate
  • 50 g of onion
  • 75 g of butter
  • 1,5 dl of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt and black pepper

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