
New travel inspirations

People embark on trips to encounter new landscapes, traditions, cultural monuments, and experiences. Especially in the age of the internet, where distant places can be brought near with just a click, finding something fresh and undiscovered can seem daunting. Fortunately, the only way to really get to know a destination is through a close, personal encounter with it. 

Come visit completely different places in Serbia this year, one located in Belgrade’s capital and one on the banks of the great river Danube. 

The Museum of Yugoslavia, a unique tourism attraction and the most visited cultural institution in Serbia, is a must for lovers of history, art and culture. The parent institution for all of Yugoslav heritage comprises three unique buildings: the Old Museum, the House of Flowers, the May 25 Museum, and the unique Sculpture Park. The museum offers a rich and diverse experience that connects past, present and future. 

In recent years, the museum has undergone significant renovation and now features refreshed exhibits and a dynamic program in a modern space. Visitors are delighted by the innovative approach to the interpretation of historical themes within the Museum’s laboratory.  

The May 25 Museum, known for its architecture, houses numerous contemporary exhibitions. To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the assassination of King Alexander I Karađorđević, the museum will host the multidisciplinary exhibition Protect Yugoslavia. 

The Museum of Yugoslavia provides an opportunity to experience the unique story of a country that has left an indelible mark on the global stage.   

You will have a completely different experience on the Danube River. As many as seven fortresses have been built on the banks of this great blue river in Serbia since ancient times, and they have undergone numerous additions, demolitions and reconstructions over the centuries. In recent years, some of these fortresses have undergone complete renovations and now offer new facilities that enrich the tourist offer of their destinations.  

One of those fortresses is the 15th-century Ram Fortress, where in 2024, the Tourism Organization of the municipality of Veliko Gradište created a new program with a contemporary presentation of its rich cultural and historical heritage.  

An interpretive walk at the Ram Fortress presents interested visitors with historical figures who lived in Ram during some period of their lives. The heroes of the interpretive walk bring to life characters from long ago, such as the Roman legionary Sultan Bayezid the Second, Baron Lopresti, and Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, and tell interesting stories of the Danube banks. The reenactors consult with visitors, ask for their opinions, and guide the walk in following their wishes and needs.

Use some of the 365 days of this year to visit unique places in Serbia!

Things to consider before traveling

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