See Ingredients

Eggs and Asparagus

  1. Wash the asparagus carefully and remove the “wooden” part of the stem. Divide and tie them (with a kitchen twine) in small bunches, put them in a high and narrow pot full of salted and boiling water (keep the tips outside the water so the steam can softly cook them).
  2. Let them boil for 15 min and then remove them from the water and wrap them with a cloth.
  3. Boil the eggs for 8 min, cool them off under water and shell them.
  4. Put carefully a bunch of asparagus on each dish (without the kitchen twine) and two eggs.
  5. By tradition, every dinner must smash the eggs with the fork and flavour them with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt, black pepper and a drop of vinegar.


Source: Archivio Consorzio Vicenzaè


  • 1 kg of Asparago Bianco di Bassano DOP
  • 1 glass of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 8 eggs
  • Vinegar
  • Salt and black pepper

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