Bigoli with Duck Ragù
- Clean and chop the onion and the clove of garlic, brown them in a big pot with some spoons of extra virgin olive oil.
- Lay down the duck, put salt, black pepper, some leaves of sage and a sprig of rosemary. Deglaze with a bit of white wine and continue with the low heat cooking.
- When the duck is almost ready, remove it from the pot and bone it cutting the meat in small pieces.
- Strain the gravy and replace it in the pot with the duck. Add some spoons of tomato sauce diluted with hot water and broth, continue until the cooking is done.
- Meanwhile, cook the bigoli in plenty of salted water, drain them and cook them for 2 min in the pan with the duck sauce.
Source: Archivio Consorzio Vicenzaè
Bigoli with Duck Ragù
© Archivio Consorzio Vicenzaè
Nut and Chocolate Gugelhupf
The Austrians are convinced that the word “Gugelhupf” origins in the Middle High German “gugele” (monk’s hood) and “hopf” (yeast). It might also come from the Alsace “Kouglhof”, though, a sweet dish which, according to legend, the Three Wise Men carried with them.
Roasted Hen Turkey
A typical Christmas dish is the roasted hen turkey with pomegranate. The dish dates back to the Renaissance, and more specifically to the magnificent banquets of the Serenissima Republic.
Flemish Asparagus
The typical Flemish asparagus is white, as it is grown covered in soil to prevent photosynthesis. This prevents the asparagus turning green and results in a taste a little sweeter and much tenderer than the green asparagus. It is generally harvested from late April to early June.
Carinthian Cheese Noodles
The borders between today’s Austria and its southern neighbours are particularly dissipating in Carinthia. Instead of drizzling with melted butter, here the famous ‘Kasnudel’ are topped with melted Sasaka: the word comes from the Slovenian language and simply means finely-diced bacon or a type of lardons. Besides being a wonderfully spicy spread for bread, it also figures prominently in Styrian cuisine, proving that the colorful culinary merry-go-round in the former territories of the Habsburg Monarchy is still vibrant today.
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- 400 g of bigoli
- 1 cleaned and flamed duck
- 1 onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- White wine
- Sage
- Rosemary
- Tomato sauce
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Salt and black pepper