See Ingredients

Grilled Halloumi Cheese

  1. Cut the halloumi into slices and grill on both sides.
  2. Garnish with aragula leaves and tomato.

Source: Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Finnish Karelian Pies

Karjalanpiirakat come from Karelian kitchen and they are a great gift for Finnish food tradition. Recipe of the pies were spread first from Karelia to East Finland after the wars and then to the whole country. Finnish adapted these pies quickly to their ordinary and festival cuisine. Nowadays some find it easier just to buy pies ready made from grocery store, but baking the pie oneself is almost just as easy as well. Baking may take little bit more time, but the result, it’s worth it.



Speculoos is a type of shortcrust biscuit, traditionally baked for consumption on or just before St Nicholas’ feast (December 6th) in the Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern France. In recent decades it has become available all year round. Speculoos are thin, very crunchy, slightly browned and, most significantly, have some image or figure (often from the traditional stories about St. Nicholas) stamped on the front side before baking; the back is flat. The Lotus brand is one of the most popular. You can also find them covered in chocolate…a real Belgian treat!


  • Serves 4
  • 1 halloumi cheese
  • Aragula (rocket)
  • Tomato

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