The Explorer’s Guide to Sustainable European Travel
There are a number of ways to travel through Europe. But only some of these ways bring you closer to Europe’s core, making how you travel part of the adventure. It’s traveling by vigor instead of motorized vehicle. And sprawling paths called greenways stretching throughout Europe make it possible.
Greenways are a relatively new trend in Europe, but are gaining in popularity. They provide sustainable pathways for non-motorized vehicles throughout both urban and rural parts of Europe. Types of greenways range from quaint grassy trails, newly laid bicycle roads, winding city walkways and more.
So, trade conventional modes of transportation for something more adventurous on your next outing in Europe. Whether you’re a hobbyist photographer, a casual hiker or a professional cyclist, greenways offer a unique look at Europe on paths less traveled.

Try biking from Prague to Vienna along 250 miles of greenways while taking in the vast rural landscape along the way. Travel by foot through Spain along the reclaimed railways named Vias Verdes. Or simply take an afternoon walk through North London along the Parkland Walk. Be sure to visit Sweden’s Klarälvsbanan Greenway and enjoy 90 km of luscious riverside scenery. It’s just a glimpse of the thousands of miles of greenways scattered throughout Europe.
Of course, greenways provide more than just an adventurous form of transportation. They also play an important role in the preservation of European travel ways and culture. In a region as historic and well traveled as Europe, sustainable travel protects the infrastructure while helping the environment. By traveling via greenways, tourists and locals alike have the opportunity to experience Europe’s untouched and most preserved locations, giving them an active, spiritual travel experience they just can’t get with traditional travel.
Do your part to maintain Europe’s natural beauty by making it just part of the fun. Travel greenways.