- Grind the cheese three times.
- In a large bowl cream soft butter, sugar and yolks.
- Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape the seeds out with the blunt side of the knife. Mix them into the pastry.
- Add the cheese and stiffly beaten egg whites. Stir the dough gently. You may add raisins or diced candied orange peel.
- Cover the bottom of the cake tin with crushed shortcrust biscuits and then pour the cheese pastry over it.
- Bake it in the oven preheated to around 170oC for about 60 minutes.
Polish Potato Dumplings
The specialities of regional cuisine are something not to be missed while travelling around Poland. They are extremly diverse due to different agricultural conditions, customs and traditions.These potato dumplings -Kluski Śląskie in Polish originally come from the region of Silesia but nowadays it is very popular across the country.
Cheese Spätzle
All over the world, German cuisine is associated with traditional Bavarian dishes. Thinking about German food, who would not mention pretzels, sauerkraut, dumplings and of course, the home-made Spätzle noodles!
Mirabelle Cake
Mirabelle, the ‘golden fruit’, is known for being sweet and full of flavor. Have a look at this popular recipe and you’ll understand why French pastries are so famous.
Carinthian Cheese Noodles
The borders between today’s Austria and its southern neighbours are particularly dissipating in Carinthia. Instead of drizzling with melted butter, here the famous ‘Kasnudel’ are topped with melted Sasaka: the word comes from the Slovenian language and simply means finely-diced bacon or a type of lardons. Besides being a wonderfully spicy spread for bread, it also figures prominently in Styrian cuisine, proving that the colorful culinary merry-go-round in the former territories of the Habsburg Monarchy is still vibrant today.
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- 1 kg of cream cheese
- 200 g of butter
- 250 g of sugar
- 5 eggs
- 2-3 tablespoons of potato flour
- vanilla pod
- shortcrust biscuits
- raisins or candied orange peel (optional)