Highest density of museums in Switzerland
Switzerland is a federation founded in 1291 without a royal tradition and has never had a monarch. Nevertheless, kings and queens from other countries have strongly influenced Swiss tourism. For example, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom visited Switzerland during her reign, and many hotels still bear her name. Today there are more than 20 Victoria hotels in Switzerland. Thanks to the diversity of the 26 cantons that make up Switzerland, it is rich in museums and traditions. Switzerland is the country with the highest density of museums in the world: more than a thousand museums document a wide range of subjects. Many of them are located in Swiss cities.
The Olympic Museum
To experience the Olympics at close quarters and feel the Olympic spirit the way the athletes felt it, to study the history of the Games from antiquity to today — thanks to the latest computer technology and audiovisual media — can all be accomplished at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
Swiss Science Center Technorama
A hands-on experience! The Technorama is one of the largest science centers in Europe, presenting a unique variety of experiments with almost limitless opportunities to experience science in a playful yet educational way.
Swiss wrestling – schwingen
Schwingen is fought as a duel between two physically powerful competitors and has its own rules, grips, and throws. The nationally acclaimed Bösen (“wicked ones” — the best wrestlers) from throughout Switzerland pit their strength at the Schwingen festivals. The champion wrestler is chosen for the national wrestling, and Alpine festivals are held every three years. Schwingen differs from competition wrestling since all the grips are fixed, and the wrestlers wear jerseys or shirts and long trousers with short wrestling pants made of jute layered on top. The legs of the pants are rolled up to form a handle.

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