
Find your perfect Beautiful Village

Great cities famous all over the world, inland destinations steeped in charm, maritime towns to enjoy activities by the sea, a host of places to explore…. Come and discover Spain! 

Find your perfect Beautiful Village 

Are your body and mind screaming out for you to get away from it all? If you’ve been thinking for a while that you’d like to travel to Spain and you’re  looking for a plan that steers clear of the big cities, any one of the 100 locations that form part of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain could be your dream destination. No matter whether you prefer the beach or the mountains, there are options to suit all tastes. 

Looking to find out more about inland Spain and enjoy the peace and quiet of small villages home to typical houses and packed with history? If you were to choose Castilla-La Mancha, for example, you could visit Pastrana (Guadalajara), a Ducal village that will surprise you with its beauty, Carmelite convents, and literary tradition: Camilo José Cela, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, portrayed the village in Journey to the Alcarria. 

In Castile and Leon, one option is the unique village of La Alberca (Salamanca), home to renowned wooden and stone houses nestled in a labyrinth of narrow streets. Be sure to take a snapshot in its stunning Plaza Mayor with its flower-adorned balconies and don’t miss the opportunity to take in the landscapes of the Batuecas-Sierra de Francia Nature Reserve. 

If you travel to Aragon, one village that will not disappoint is Aínsa. In its old quarter, time seems to have been frozen in the Middle Ages. It is home to beautiful settings such as the Romanesque church of Santa María and the remains of its old castle, which, in addition to being the site of an eco-museum on Pyrenean wildlife, plays host each summer to the Castillo de Aínsa International Music Festival. 

La Rioja is another inland destination always worth a visit, especially in autumn during the grape harvest and where Briones sits atop an 80-meter-high hill. Its buildings of ashlar stone and the remains of the village’s walls and the castle give the place a special atmosphere. Did you know that spectacular Medieval Festivals take place here? 

If you visit Navarre, be sure to explore El Roncal. Nestled in the heart of the Roncal valley in the Navarrese Pyrenees, the scenery is simply incredible. Try not to leave without trying its delicious cheese or discovering curiosities such as the mausoleum made by the sculptor Benlliure, which entombs the famous tenor Julián Gayarre. 

To conclude your exploration of inland villages, head south to Extremadura, specifically to Robledillo de Gata, a stunning setting in the Sierra de Gata and home to fewer than 100 people. A particular feature is its farmhouse, adapted to the slope of the hill where it lies. Make sure to take in the 16th century church, the unusual Oil Museum, and the natural surroundings, including waterfalls and viewpoints overlooking the river.

Stone cross and bare tree overlooking snowy mountains under a clear blue sky.
Mirador de la Sierra – Sequeros Salamanca, © Juan Iglesias.

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