
The Karst Wine Growing Region

The rich and full-bodied red wine is very palatable and can be enjoyed with game, red meat and heavier dishes. Teran is the most perfect complement to the famous Karst prosciutto. In the Sežana karst region, Refošk (Refosco del Peduncolo Verde) or Teranovka grows on 560 hectares of vineyards and is considered the most important wine grape variety. The area enjoys a benign climate which helps ripen the grapes to the desired level for the production of the famed Teran. In addition, Rebula (Ribolla Gialla), Laški rizling (Italian Riesling), Malvasia, Beli pinot (Pinot Blanc), Sauvignon and Chardonnay are produced here.


Karst-Jota – In the Karst, ‚jota‘ is made from sour turnips or sauerkraut, but always includes potatoes. Sweet Karst ‚jota‘ is a specialty and is made with mashed potato and beans with the addition of carrots, spices and a spoonful of vinegar
Šelinka – Šelinka is minestrone-style soup made of celery and celeriac, potatoes, rice, occasionally beans, and a spoonful of vinegar or dry wine.
Karst prosciutto – The centuries-old tradition of drycuring pork, especially pork legs, in the Karst wind known as ‚Burja‘ (Bora), has borne this top-quality product with protected designation of origin.
Karst pancetta – In the Karst region, meaty bacon is drycured to create a delicious pancetta, an important ingredient of Karst cold cuts and a key ingredient of certain dishes.
Karst zašinek – Shoulder of pork is dry-cured to create ‚Karst zašinek‘, another essential ingredient in a typical Karst cold cuts platter.


Wine Growing Region of the Vipava Valley

In addition to the well-known wine grape varieties which grow in the Primorska region, in the Vipava Valley you can also find several indigenous grapes – the harmonious and refreshing Pinela with a delicate bouquet; the wonderfully rich, slightly acidic Klarnica from the sun-drenched vineyards, and Zelén, the sun-kissed ‘king of the Vipava Valley wines’, which local winemakers always offer towards the end of wine tastings as it is indeed a very special wine.

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