Relaxed family outing in Debrecen
Just a ten-minute walk from the city centre is one of Debrecen’s most popular locations, with numerous activities on offer under the 100-year-old trees for young and old alike.
Sometimes you need to see something from another perspective to understand its beauty. In Europe, every perspective hides a new discovery, even under the water. From the shores of Italy to the clearwaters of Iceland, find what’s hiding beneath the surface of Europe with this gallery.
The Amphorae Caves are located off the shores of Cyprus and serve as a popular destination for scubadivers. Dive into the clear blue waters and find natural caves, fish and more hidden beneath the surface.
This 13 ton Jesus statue, sitting at the floor of the Mediterranean, was originally sunk near St Paul island and blessed by Pope John Paul in 1990 to protect the fishermen of Malta. The statue is a replica of the Christ of the Abyss in Italy.
Corvo Island is a tiny island located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s home to around only 500 people and is owned by Portugal. Thanks to its small population, the island is still naturally beautiful and makes for a dream scuba destination.
Ireland may not be known for its underwater adventure, but it’s a surprisingly ideal spot for it. The country is home to an array of wildlife, including dolphins, seals and more. Put on the scuba gear, dive in and see what you can find.
Croatia is home to an eclectic group of underwater flora and fauna. That’s why experienced divers constantly flock to the shores of Croatia to explore. From rare species found only in the Adriatic to sunken galleons, there’s always something to discover.
For some of the best diving in the Mediterranean Sea, just look off the shores of Italy. The island of Sardinia boasts clear waters, colorful coral and vibrant wildlife. You might even find sunken treasure. It’s just another example of underwater Europe at its best.
Just a ten-minute walk from the city centre is one of Debrecen’s most popular locations, with numerous activities on offer under the 100-year-old trees for young and old alike.
Europe’s natural beauty and stunning landmarks haven’t just caught the eyes of world travelers over the years.
Europe has been around for a long time. That’s why some of its most celebrated buildings are some of the oldest. But newer, more modern buildings can also be found. From Italy to Denmark, modern architecture has found its way into Europe’s heart. Browse this gallery to see some of the newest architectural marvels found throughout Europe.
Travel back to the Middle Ages with this photo gallery of the most breathtaking castles that still stand in Europe.
Litomyšl, birthplace of Czech composer Bedřich Smetana, hosts a musical celebration featuring opera, concerts, galas, and oratorios.
A natural outdoor paradise!
A guide from a rainbow panorama to a secret bunker.
A few Flemish cultural gems – by bike.
An active paradise.